Conceived while receiving IVF

The notes below have been taken from my case files with permission from my clients.

Terri and Katy

Terri first contacted me in the autumn of 2009: She wrote:
Terri’s baby daughter, CarolineI am wondering if you can do an email reading for me regarding fertility and best times for conception. I live in the United States although I was born in the UK. In January, I got pregnant on my first try and then miscarried in March. Since then I have gone through 7 cycles and have been unsuccessful. I will be 40 soon and have seen a fertility specialist, and am looking into possibly doing some kind of fertility treatment and of course, we are hoping to conceive naturally again.”

Terri was also concerned about her husband’s low sperm count so we discussed various dietary and mineral supplements that might help and also other forms of therapy which help the body to better health, generally, such as reflexology. She was happy with the suggestions and looked into them while I prepared her report for her. The report covered a five year overview. 2010 looked very interesting as there were a number of astro-fertility factors, traditional and my researched factors, active during that year which flagged up the Spring and the Autumn as potentially eventful times! There was also a very important eclipse in 2011 which flagged up Terri’s area of her astrological birth chart relating to home and family, marking the year out as one that was very important for family issues.

In the spring of 2011, Terri wrote to me: “I am thrilled to say that I will be 6 months pregnant tomorrow. Our little girl is due in the summer – there are some small issues with her health but so far everything is generally normal. So that is great news. I think I mentioned my conception date via IVF….”

Terri’s baby was conceived almost in the middle of an astro-fertility window (discovered through my continuing research into astrology and fertility) that covered a four week period for her and this window also occurred within a year long traditional astro-fertility window.

In the summer of 2011, Terri wrote again to say:
“Our baby, Caroline, was born via c-section and is perfect and such a joy. I am, of course, exhausted but it is such an amazing experience. So much love for our new daughter”.